Servers Room
Server Room — a dedicated space technology with specially created and maintained by climatic conditions for the placement and operation of the server and telecommunications equipment.
Basic requirements
- Acceptable room temperature should be 15 - 32°С, the recommended 18 - 27°С , this requires air conditioning.
- Humidity in the server should be in the range of from 20 % to 80 % without condensation; humidity change rate of 6 % per hour.
- Dust content should not exceed 0.75 mg / m³{СН 512-78}.
- The pressure in the server must exceed the pressure in adjacent rooms. It is recommended that the excess pressure of not less than 147 Pa.
- Lighting level should be at least 500 lux, measured at a height of 1 meter in a horizontal plane.
- The electromagnetic radiation should not exceed 3 V / m in all frequency bands.
- For certain types of equipment and the need to limit the cross vibration.
For specific recommendations are presented room, for example:
- The server is required to maintain positive pressure air toward the adjacent rooms.
- When you create a server room it is advisable to provide redundant power supply, for example by connecting the diesel generator.
- It is also necessary to use independent IP monitoring server systems, including temperature and humidity sensors, cable or simple water leak sensors, current sensors and voltage meters, electric power, air flow sensors and smoke.
Requirements for electrical maintenance
- 2 strips of sockets connected to different inputs for each rack.
- Stability of supply must be ensured UPS connected scheme On-Line.
- For group laying up the extent of the combustible load on the premises, equipped with a computer and microprocessor technology to be applied cables labeled ng-HF- flame retardant while installing and do not emit corrosive gaseous products of combustion and smoldering.
Standards for fire safety
- The room must be equipped with a fire alarm system.
- Server room area of ​​over 24 m² must be equipped with a gas fire. Server (primary and backup) and telecommunications fitted with automatic gas fire (AGFES), as required by law. AGFES provided to the premises where the equipment is located IVS management (server, control center, processing center). Extinguishing media should be a gas, which has Russian certificate. The use of freon 114b2 (tetra fluorine) and powder fire-extinguishers in these premises is strictly prohibited